Friday, January 11, 2013

Student Teaching Days 4 - 6

The last three days of the Term have been quite eventful!  Stolen candy bars, students barely passing, faculty meetings and of course, GRADING!   I want to know how I can avoid the assumption that all students are dumb.  Comment below and give me your tips!  Thank you!


Critique-Passion said...

Hello Avid Angel,

Beginning of each class just tell the students exactly what they have to do (in a serious way, or read it from the documents, another time tell it as a joke, one time give examples in a funny way, etc.) and if they dont follow then it is their fault and their grades will be at risk. (I knew a teacher who said she sometimes had to bite her nails when she reads some papers although she explained everything a hundred times.. She asked 3 times if anyone had a question because she doesn't want to loose any more nails! some students laughed hard and actually asked her questions! she then answered them starting with: that is a very good question (she was probably biting her nails in her head though - lol))

Also do tell them that they can come to you any time they need to or send you emails asking for your advise before they hand in their work. They need to be extra sure that you are there for them; some students are really scared from the professors and some are scared from their own ideas or questions.

However, note that there are students who just do not care, some do not want to think and most do not want to read. To those, and you can say, they will suffer the consequences of a bad grade. Rest assured that this is not your fault or responsibility and you should not feel bad about that.

After all said, I love your vlogs! I hope you also vlog when you go to your next job! You inspired me :D

Unknown said...


Thank you so much for your advice! I have been working this week on being clearer in my expectations. It felt really good to tell students exactly what I was thinking about their performance. I'm hoping to lighten up the mood a bit in a few days. I work hard to always smile at the students to when they do come and ask me a question -- that way, maybe the word will get out that I am approachable.

Thank you for your comments! I will have to consider blogging during my next job -- because it is something I am really passionate about. So please keep watching!