Life is precious.
Fenders are not.
After being in a car crash yesterday afternoon, I am so grateful to be alive!
The accident was more traumatic than harmful, no one was injured and we did not hit another car, but I know that the outcome could have been much worse. If any one of the circumstances were different, (i.e. there was a pole in our way, or a heavy semi coming the opposite direction) then I would have been seriously injured or paralyzed or killed. But thanks be to God, I only have a scratch on my foot and a sore neck from bracing myself.
Getting in an accident is a humbling experience. It wakes us from the deep sleep of invincibility. We are forced to recognize how fragile we are and how little control we actually have in the outcomes of the universe. After the shock subsides, all we can do is brush off the dust, pick up the pieces, and thank God for the blessing of His protection. I wonder if He measures our sincerity by how long afterwards we continue to drive cautiously. Or by how long it takes for us to forget how dangerous the potential weapon between our fingers we casually call a "steering wheel" can be.
And if He does pay attention to our feeble attemts at repentance, at changing bad driving habbits, what causes Him to stretch forth His hand a second or third or 100th time? Hopefully, it's a combination between our faith, His compassion and His mercy.